Reward Distribution
Sending rewards the way you want
Currently, we support 2 kinds of rewards you can give your community: Token and Lootbox. On top of that, you can give each reward in a fixed or variable manner.
All rewards can be claimed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Once the reward pool runs out, you can't claim the rewards you have earned.
Based on effort. Users know the amount of tokens they can get.
Based on chance. Every lootbox contains a chance to win the Grand / Premium / Consolation prize. Users do not know the amount of tokens they can get.
As long as the user completes the mission, they will get the same token amount. E.g. 1 LUNA for any number of contract interactions
As long as the user completes the mission, they will get the same number of lootboxes. E.g. 1 lootbox for every wallet that holds Bad Kid NFT, no matter their quantity
Token amount differs based on what users accomplish during the mission. E.g. 10 OSMO for every $100 swap transaction, capped at 100 OSMO
Lootbox quantity differs based on what users accomplish during the mission. E.g. 2 lootboxes for every $50 of liquidity provided, capped at 20 lootboxes
Last updated